
For information on city events and meetings of interest to our residents please visit the the City of Brockton web site.

The Brockton City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month, except during June, July, and August. Meetings begin at 7:00P.M. Finance Committee meetings are held on the first and third Monday as needed. They are scheduled by the council president. Meetings of sub-committees are held by the chair of those committees. All meetings of any kind are always posted as public meetings on the city website.

To view a meeting agenda, click here. To review minutes of meetings, click here.

INFORMATION UPDATE: The COVID-19 pandemic changed how we conduct meetings. Members now call in remotely to participate in City Council, Finance Committee, and subcommittee meetings. Until further notice City Hall is closed as a public building. Meetings are audio telecast on the local Brockton Community Access channel. We all hope and pray things return to normal soon. May you and your family stay safe and healthy.