Councilor Win Farwell is focused on several major issues of importance to our residents.


financial accountability

Without your support we have no city services. The taxes and fees you pay are critical to maintaining and improving these services, including our schools, our police and fire departments, libraries and other departments all of which contribute to the quality of life in Brockton. I respect your payment of taxes and always pay careful attention to how they are used. Financial stability means a safe and vibrant city.


public education

The staff, programs, and services in our public schools are essential if we are to meet the needs of our children. The City of Brockton will be joining a law suit alleging that our children have not received the amount of state aid to which they are entitled. This is a continuation of a 1993 lawsuit begun in Brockton. In addition, I support changes to the state formula applied to determine state aid to our schools. We are not receiving our fair share of funding.


Public Safety

In December, 2020, plans were presented to the city council for a $98 million public safety campus for police, fire, emergency services, and information technology departments to be located together. The police and fire departments will have their separate offices and facility joined by a common public entrance. This project would be completed by Spring of 2023 and work continues to finalize details.


Crime watch groups in neighborhoods and ensuring our police officers interact personally and positively with residents is absolutely essential to a strong and effective crime prevention strategy.


Safe streets, playgrounds, and neighborhoods for residents and visitors.



Carefully planned economic development contributes to the vitality of the city. An emphasis on job creation is critical to providing opportunities to our residents.